GILLBERT: Guardian of the Grotto

Gillbert Guardian of the Grotto Game

GILLBERT: Guardian of the Grotto is an adventure platformer in which you play as a stoic fish hero, abolishing all the evil fish to save the friendly ones.

Gillbert will be a mix of under and above water platforming in each world, with areas to explore such as Ruins, Desert, Caves and more. You’ll begin in a hub world where you encounter friendlies that help you learn the basics and educate you on your insane adventure. It’s a Collectathon, but you’ll need to free your caged fish friends and unlock new abilities in each World to progress.

Twitter | Youtube | Official Website (coming soon) | Press Kit (WIP)

PC (Steam), TBD

Wishlist on Steam:


Push Comes to Shovel

push comes to shovel logo background

Push Comes to Shovel is an eerie adventure-simulator set in the frigid town of Windrow. Uncover the dark mystery of Windrow while completing snow removal jobs and exploring the landscape. Upgrade and utilize a variety of plows, snowblowers, shovels and other tools to complete jobs.

Twitter | Youtube | Official Website

PC (Steam)